Blogmas, Family, Marriage, Mental Health

Blogmas 16: The Best Gifts I’ve Ever Received

In previous posts, I talked about gifts I would like to give and receive this year. I have received a lot of gifts in my time. From my childhood, I remember two absolute favorites. One was a bicycle. I was so excited! I remember that it was on my birthday, actually, which fell on a… Continue reading Blogmas 16: The Best Gifts I’ve Ever Received

Blogmas, Family, Marriage, Mental Health, mental illness

Blogmas 4: Stockings

In yesterday’s post about my pup, I wrote about my dog’s stocking. Today, I'm going to talk about stockings. Growing up, we had stockings, and they always contained little things: usually candy and an orange. I could always see the bulky orange lump through my smaller stocking. I have learned that an orange was a… Continue reading Blogmas 4: Stockings