Mental Health, mental illness

Mindfulness Monday: Oatmeal Edition

This morning, I watered the plants and took a shower while attempting to be mindful. However, my most interesting (and so far, unique) mindfulness experience was eating breakfast. I ate oatmeal prepared from the night before. I soaked old-fashioned oats, chia seeds, flax seeds, and a little maple syrup in milk overnight in a mason… Continue reading Mindfulness Monday: Oatmeal Edition

Mental Health, mental illness

Mindful Morning

Friday was the first day of “vacation”, as summer school has ended. I accidentally woke up early anyway, so before I babysat, I was able to water the plants. I had a song in my head that I was dying to listen to while I watered, but I decided not to. Instead, I chose to… Continue reading Mindful Morning

Mental Health, mental illness

Sensory Overload Leads to Panic Attack

It started as a great day. I was thinking about my bucket list, summer vacation, and my upcoming birthday. I told J that if he wanted to get me something, it should be an event, not a tangible item. It reminded me about making food. I love hamburgers, they are one of my favorite foods.… Continue reading Sensory Overload Leads to Panic Attack

Marriage, Mental Health, mental illness

We Have All the Lights On

I'm in the living room with my husband and we have all the lights on. There are seven lights - three lights with the ceiling fan, one overhead spotlight thing, and three lamps - they are all on. I did not have a good day today. I woke up thinking I need a break. I'm… Continue reading We Have All the Lights On

Mental Health, mental illness

Independent Despite Depression

Today after I babysat, I went to the bank. It was ten minutes until noon, when I thought the bank closed. I got to the nearest bank with two minutes to spare and deposited my check from babysitting into my checking account. Then, from the bank to get home, I was closer to the interstate… Continue reading Independent Despite Depression

bucket list, Mental Health, mental illness

Coming Down from Concert Elation

Thursday night I went to the Moon Taxi concert and it was the most fun I've had in a long time. The last time I had that much fun was in Branson with family, riding an enormous ferris wheel and driving go karts for the first time - I was the slowest one and I… Continue reading Coming Down from Concert Elation

Marriage, Mental Health, mental illness

On Sleep

Sleep is important to everyone, but in particular to those with a mood disorder. Sleeplessness can a sign of mania, or can lead to mania. Sleeping too much can be a sign that one is depressed. These are common signs, and they are spot on for me. I keep a close eye on my sleep… Continue reading On Sleep

Family, Marriage, Mental Health, mental illness

I Choose Gratitude

I want to be truthful in admitting that I write this today from a place of stress and sadness. I think, though, that that makes what I am about to say all the more relevant. So here is this post, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, my favorite day of the year, which will occur tomorrow.… Continue reading I Choose Gratitude